A child from Ukraine has become a refugee almost every single second of the war

According to the United Nations, at least 15.7 million people in Ukraine are now in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and protection and 90 percent of Ukrainian refugees are women and children.

Your support makes a difference

Conscious Diapers is teaming up with groups on the ground in Ukraine who are helping deliver essential humanitarian aid as well as providing children and families at risk with immediate aid, such as food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support and cash assistance.

Help us do something about it

Buy diapers and give hope

When you buy 1 case of diapers on our platform you automatically give the equivalent of 4 days of diapers (8 diapers a day) to 1 child in need.

Every purchase and donation helps aid families in need

Make a donation

Your purchse or donation today will help us reach children in Ukraine & Ukraine refugee children who are caught in the middle of the armed conflict.

How donating works

• You buy diapers on our platform and we donate the equivalent of 4 days of diapers.

• Donate directly to families in need.

• 100% of your donation will go to aiding the families impacted by the conflict.

Anything helps, but to give you an idea what your dollar can do...

$1 is the equivalent to about 1 day of diapers (7 diapers)

$35.50 is the equivlent to giving a child diapers for an entire month (240 diapers)

Who we work with

We don’t offer diapers directly to families at this time. Conscious Diapers works with other nonprofit partners who are on the front lines helping refugee families.

What our nonprofit partners do

They are operating in Ukraine to deliver essential humanitarian aid to children and their families.

How Conscious Diapers contributes

Coordinating with our suppliers

Each supplier on our marketplace is committed to helping the families and children who are impacted by this conflict. While we hope for peace, we are all committed to action.

Giving you a simple way to help

Most of us want to help, but we dont know where to start. We are giving our parents the ability to make an impact by doing something they already do, buying diapers.

Have a questions?

Hit us up here, we are happy to help you clarify anything!